Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A New Day Dawns

I needn't have been all that scared of the scale. I weighed myself yesterday, per husband's suggestion, and it was 159.6. I feared 175 or higher but, apparently, the sporadic biking I've done over the last 5 months has done me some good.

Husband also suggested I keep a food journal or weight-loss log to keep myself on track. I started a word document on the desktop of our computer to keep track of food intake, water intake, weight, and exercise.

The target weight is 145 by April 17th. That gives me 3 months of controlled eating and good exercising. I think this can be done.

Now to an Archiving post!

I don't have an archive or a library job. I feel like I'm perpetually searching for one, but they prove to be as elusive as catching a fairy or finding a four-leaf clover. Instead, I volunteer at archival repositories to keep myself  in the biz and learn new archiving skills.

Since June, I've volunteered in a film archive. Yes, it's as fun as it sounds but I think I've reached a plateau. I'll soon be volunteering at a veterans archive and cataloging a gigantic oral history collection. Sounds like fun, right?

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